Farlig avfall koder (USA)

CodeManagement Method Code Group
Reclamation and Recovery
H010Metals recovery including retorting, smelting, chemical, etc.
H020Solvents recovery (distillation, extraction, etc)
H039Other recovery or reclamation for reuse including acid regeneration, organics recovery, etc. (specify in comments)
H050Energy recovery at this site - used as fuel (includes on-site fuel blending before energy recovery; report only this code)
H061Fuel blending prior to energy recovery at another site (waste generated either on site or received from off site)
Destruction or Treatment Prior to Disposal at Another Site
H040Incineration - thermal destruction other than use as a fuel (includes any preparation prior to burning)
H071Chemical reduction with or without precipitation (includes any preparation or final processes for consolidation of residuals)
H073Cyanide destruction with or without precipitation (includes any preparation or final processes for consolidation of residuals)
H075Chemical oxidation (includes any preparation or final processes for consolidation of residuals)
H076Wet air oxidation (includes any preparation or final processes for consolidation of residuals)
H077Other chemical precipitation with or without pre-treatment (includes processes for consolidation of residuals)
H081Biological treatment with or without precipitation (includes any preparation or final
processes for consolidation of residuals)
H082Adsorption (as the major component of treatment)
H083Air or steam stripping (as the major component of treatment)
H101Sludge treatment and/or dewatering (as the major component of treatment; not H071-H075,
H077, or H082)
H103Absorption (as the major component of treatment)
H111Stabilization or chemical fixation prior to disposal at another site (as the major component of
treatment; not H071-H075, H077, or H082)
H112Macro-encapsulation prior to disposal at another site (as the major component of treatment;
not reportable as H071-H075, H077, or H082)
H121Neutralization only (no other treatment)
H122Evaporation (as the major component of treatment; not reportable as H071-H083)
H123Settling or clarification (as the major component of treatment; not reportable as H071-H083)
H124Phase separation (as the major component of treatment; not reportable as H071-H083)
H129Other treatment (specify in comments; not reportable as H071-H124)
H131Land treatment or application (to include on-site treatment and/or stabilization)
H132Landfill or surface impoundment that will be closed as landfill (to include prior treatment and/or
H134Deepwell or underground injection (with or without treatment; this waste was counted as
hazardous waste)
H135Discharge to sewer/POTW or NPDES (with prior storage - with or without treatment)
Transfer Off Site
H141The site receiving this waste stored/bulked and transferred the waste with no treatment or recovery (H010-H129), fuel blending (H061), or disposal (H131-H135) at that receiving site.

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